Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update January 26, 2025
Nick Fleming RVGCR Intel Update January 26, 2025
Bruce (The Big Call)
[via WiserNow]
We have been looking to be notified since Tuesday...However, the latest piece of Intel…which was from the person in the treasury…that person said, everything will be taking off for all of us on Saturday [the 25th]…So that is the plan, as it is now. …the information said that we’ll be very excited about the rates. I think the rates are going to go higher, especially on Dong…and we know that they are contract on dinar, which tied to the per barrel price of oil, which is was in the low 80s. That’s per dinar, by the way…the contract rate is only available at the redemption center…I think we’re just really ready to go…We should be excited.
[via PDK]
“Trump’s storm hits OPEC and ignites fears in Baghdad” From Remarks given by Trump at Davos…and “Drill Baby Drill” in the US…caused a drop in oil prices below $75. This will lower the cost at the pumps for us…and lower the cost of groceries soon …But Iraq is still well in the range they need for the RV.
Question: I wonder what’s the ETA for IQD appearing on Forex?
MarkZ: I may get egg on my face – but I think we may see the IQD on forex Saturday night into Sunday Morning.
Frank26 (KTFA)
[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]
FIREFLY: Sammy says next Tuesday the appeal will be held by the judge on the three laws that have been passed…Several appealed saying it was unconstitutional. So the budget table set in limbo until that is cleared. We do believe once it is cleared then they can be given to parliament for the vote that we are waiting for.
FRANK: Parliament is using every inch of the clip they are standing on and soon they will have no choice but to tell you citizens the truth. There are no more choices for them except to pass these laws.
Sandy Ingram
There is a significant difference between Germany’s recovery which took 5 years [after WWII] and Iraq’s recovery which we are still waiting on 20 years later. After, WWII Germany’s currency faced a significant crisis. The war had devastated the country’s economy, leading to hyperinflation and the collapse of the Reichsmark…In 1948, three years after the war, the countries overseeing post-war Germany introduced a new currency, the Deutsche Mark…This new currency helped eliminate the black market and incentivize people to engage in legitimate economic activities. The currency reform is often credited with laying the groundwork for Germany’s economic recovery…during the 1950’s. This transformation turned West Germany into one of the leading economies in Europe, demonstrating the critical role currency reform played in it’s post-war rebuilding.
After the 2023 invasion of Iraq, the country’s currency, the Iraqi dinar, underwent a major transformation. Before the invasion the dinar had suffered from instability due to years of sanctions and economic mismanagement under S****m Hussein’s regime…Iraqis used U.S. dollars…Following the fall of S****m’s government, the Coalition Provisional Authority introduced a new version of the Iraqi dinar in 2003…The transition was smooth with Iraqis exchanging their old dinars for the new ones at a one-to-one ratio…While the new dinar did stabilize initially, the country’s…instability, c********n and conflict – have made it difficult for the currency to achieve long-term strength. Like post war Germany Iraq’s currency reform was crucial, but Iraq’s recovery has been slower due to persistent instability and economic dependence on oil.
Mountain Goat
…we…have been following this RV saga for a long time. We know the banking reforms are all completed, enough to meet the White Paper reforms.
Clare (KTFA)
“Parliamentary Energy Reveals US Pressure to Pass Budget Amendment Law…and This is the Reason”
“The amendment of the budget aims to address the oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil,”
Walkingstick (KTFA)
The American dollar, Trump is wanting maybe it should go in a basket with the Iraqi dinar…He wants it in a basket (dinar and dollar) to bring the dinar to $1.00. He wants other currencies in that basket to help each other…and in doing so, by helping each other in that basket, these currencies will gain security and stability, value, and internationally recognized etc.
Samson (KTFA)
“Interior: Opening of an office to issue national cards in the American city of Detroit”
Yes, I’ve been very very enthusiastic about the dinar…Everybody that’s been in the last two years should easily see the evidence that shows Iraq is actually following through with what they’re doing and that’s the digital transformation and that has a component in it and one is their future currency. I’m very excited about it. What we had two years ago doesn’t even compare to what we have today…
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